Help Center

General Questions

1What is SIC ?
SIC is a group of companies based in Dubai, UAE and having branch office in Dhaka Bangladesh and Ontario, Canada. The full meaning of SIC is Study Immigration Consultancy. In 2015, SIC added HR consultancy and Business consultancy. In 2019, SIC added Travel Consultancy in their business. In 2023, SIC acquired largest online travel agency and merged with SIC Group.
2How Can I get Help from SIC?
We are providing :
- Business Consultancy
- HR Consultancy
- Study Abroad Consultancy
- Travel Consultancy
If you need any kinds of help regarding in this field then feel free to contact us or join in Whatsapp chat!

Social Media Query

1Can I visit Gulf countries by UAE visa?
Yes you can but depends on Visa.
2Is Dubai costly?
According to income expenditure ratio, it is not costly but if you are coming from low income country then it will be costly to you at first.

Content builder

1Future of tourism
After covid19, it is now popular but air fare is increased.
2What's is the minimum time to visit Dubai/
You should plan at least 15 days.
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