Last Update: 2nd May 2023

Payment Policy (Revised)

After Covid19, a new fee structured has been imposed by the authority of SIC Group. Agent fee has been decreased in every aspects. Regarding that, we have changed our payment policy. All candidates are requested to follow this.

  • File opening fee is decreased by 10%. It’ll be 25% of the total fee which is non-refundable.
  • For candidates who didn’t clear their dues before 1st May 2023, the new fee will be implied after 1st May 2023 including 10% decreased agent fee and 25% file opening charge will be applicable.
  • We have placed our new fee in total (including the new 10% decreased agent and 25% file opening fee) on our website. All new candidates and old candidates who didn’t clear payment, need to follow the new fee structure from 2nd May, 2023.
  • The old payment policy described below will remain with the new policy.

General Policy

  • All applicants could choose to apply through SIC. If you choose to apply through a third party who applies for you via SIC, we are not responsible for any extra costs, damages, or any other legal issues.

The fees SIC will charge for the service will be divided into two parts:

The first part, the initial commitment fee when you will get a green signal from SIC and SIC will start the process. It is 25% of total fees and It’s non-refundable if processing is started.

It will be charged before the application procedure and pre-confirmation from SIC after assessment. By paying us the commitment fee (named as file opening fee), it means that you have agreed with our Terms & Conditions. Advance Fees & Refund Policy is mentioned below.

The second part, the rest of the fee will be charged when the valid documents will come out and reach in SIC office. To collect the valid documents for visa purpose, you need to pay the rest of the amount in SIC bank account. After payment, SIC concerned person will prepare your all documents for Visa processing.

The exact amount of service fee will be charged according to the current dollar/euro/pound rate. The service fee will be paid within 7 days after we send you the valid documents. SIC will not give guarantee the validity of documents if you fail to pay for the service fee within the payment period.

  • Before paying to SIC, candidates should check “Eligibility” and “Required Documents” carefully. We do a free assessments with experts as well. So we can check your eligibility and suggest you the best option for you. We don’t take any fees for assessment. It is free to all. Apply for fee assessment, open an account with SIC Group and upload your cv. Click Here to open application.
  • All candidates’ information and application documents must be real.
  • Although you will have a high chance to get a success by using our service, SIC can’t guarantee 100% success rate for applying for candidates because the authority make the final decisions and they reserve the ultimate interpretation. But our success rate is 100% in all aspects, Alhamdulillah.
  • Applicants should check SIC Client Portal and the email regularly and inbox of SIC in case of missing any information once they apply from the SIC website/Office premises. Applicants who fail to check them regularly need to bear the inconvenience resulted from that.
  • Applicants need to provide all necessary information and documents before the deadline of the application they are applying for. Candidates who fail to provide documents and information before the deadline need to bear the responsibility for any losses and their initial payment will not be refunded.
  • If any candidates provide any fake information or documents then his/her application will be blocked by authority. In that case, SIC will not take any liability of that candidates and the money paid by the candidates to SIC will not be returned and the application process will be canceled. If a candidate can provide the right documents later then SIC will start processing again but money will not be refunded and the process will uncertain.
  • If any candidates provide fake documents to SIC for application processing and hide any major issue then he needs to pay a penalty fee of USD 500 for the further procedure through SIC and previous application will be rejected! In that case, any decision take by SIC management will be final.
  • If any candidate applied through SIC and after a certain period of time if he/she wants to cancel the program, then the initial amount paid by the candidate will not be refunded.

Applicant’s Rights

  • Applicants have the right to choose programs. Category can’t be changed after starting of the application procedure. If there is an option from authority, then SIC will help to change the category.
  • Applicants have the right to know any information including application update during the process of application.

Fees & Refund Policy

  • SIC has standard fee structures and will not change randomly. Once the candidate choose one program, the fees for that program will be fixed when confirmed. In case of failure while processing, SIC will return the full amount taken from the candidate except for the government fee and the miscellaneous fees.
  • Candidates need to pay an advance 25% of total fees to start processing for any kind of program and need to keep their passport in SIC office premises. The rest of the amount should be paid before getting all necessary documents for a standing visa. SIC will prepare it for candidates.
  • If any candidates is not interested to put his documents for security then he needs to pay 50% of total fees in advance to start processing.
  • Any natural calamity like SARS, MERS, Covid 19, Earthquake could occur during the application period, in that case, a candidate can cancel the application procedure but can’t claim a refund because the refund is only possible if the candidate’s file is rejected by authority. During the natural calamity, the SIC authority decision will be the final decision.
  • Candidate who didn’t pay initial payment but kept main documents, need to pay USD 500 penalty fee if he/she cancels the application procedure after acceptance by authority. Otherwise, documents held by SIC will not be returned without penalty fee.
  • If the paper is not accepted by authority then candidates need to pay nothing to cancel the whole program.
  • Make sure all terms of refund before proceeding because the penalty is must as per SIC TOS. Otherwise, legal action will be taken against candidates.

Privacy Policy

  • We collect personal information on our Web sites, such as when you register for and participate in our online application & from Facebook support team. We also collect personal information for our clients in the course of providing Web-based and email transaction processing services to them. We obtain this information via email and in “forms” that we host for our clients.
  • When we collect personal information on our websites, we use the information to complete the transactions requested by you, to administer, improve, and develop our sites and services, and for the other purposes described in this policy.
  • We do not rent or sell your personal information to third parties. We provide personal information that we collect for a client to that client. We do not disclose your personal information to third parties other than for the limited purposes described in this policy.

Disclaimer: SIC is an authorized agent. SIC doesn’t buy or sell jobs. Even no one can do this. Only companies has the authority to provide job as per the candidate’s eligibility and company policy. If your contract will be terminated by company then SIC will not be responsible for it. SIC uses to provide the right information regarding application. So take the idea before applying.

For details, please call +971 52 248 2409.