Work Visa

Work Visa in Europe

This service is operating from UAE

SIC - Authorized HR Consultancy in Dubai
with experience 5 years

How to Apply

Quick to learn how to apply

Requirement process

Deciding to work overseas as any categories can be exciting time as well as a challenging time. The process of not only find the right job but getting it and getting over there can seem daunting. Trust us, we know how daunting it can look (so much paperwork…) but we also know how straight forward it can be. We’ve been placing many categories overseas in the Middle East for 10+ years, we’ve the process down to a fine art. So, first things first before we list the how’s, the what’s and the things to do, a checklist of sorts, remember this “The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live. OK, great, so we’ve decided to work overseas as anyone position. YAY!!”

1Registration and Submission of CV
The first stage is submitting your application and upload up to date cv to our client portal:
Register Here You can also register your interest, this way you are added to our database and when we have jobs that are suited to you, we’ll get in touch with all the details. Once your cv is received, we’ll send you notification of further process.
2Application for Job
Yes, you’ve completed the forms, now we can begin to the search for the right job for you. With Clients all over the Middle East, we’ll find the job suited to you.
3Interview with Client (By Telephone/Skype)
After successful application, we will arrange interview. This will be done either through skype or phone. You can find our hints and tips for a successful telephone or skype interview in job seekers advice section on the website.
4Approval and Signing of Offer Letter
Congratulations in your new job. Time to celebrate!! Once you’ve finished celebrating its time to get the rest of the paperwork. Don’t worry, it won’t be too bad. (Your processor will send you a list of what is needed) This includes signing your offer letter. We are always with you in your step.
5Obtain References
Reference details are provided for at least two direct supervisors. We don’t contact your referees until you give us permission.
6Commencement of Visa Processing and Pre-Employment Medical
Once all your documents have been received, we start applying for your visa. This process may take a couple of weeks. It also at this time you have your pre-employment medical, the requirements for medicals differ from hospital to hospital but your processor will advise you.4
7Visa Issued
Your visa has been issued and stamped on your passport; we can now start arranging a date for travel.
8Notice to your current employer
It is only after your passport has been stamped that we advise candidates to hand in their notice. Once the notice is handed in we can request a travel date from the client.
9Travel to your new destination
Your paperwork is sorted, your visa stamped and flights ready to go. Now all you have to do is step on to the plane and be ready to start your new adventure.
So, there it is, few easy step guide to getting a job in the Middle East. Being any of position means, you can work anywhere you want. It’s a passport to the world, so why not start your journey now.

Our Services

Checkout our services step by step

SIC provides professional hr consultancy service to our valued clients and help them finding suitable best work opportunities in Europe and UAE. We will provide you better ideas for your career development. Our Consultancy team provides genuine advice to clients who are associated with us & planning to go to abroad for job. Our counseling techniques are aimed at providing practical solutions to you. Our professional team also living foreign countries. So, it is always helpful for our clients to get 100% accurate information from them.
SIC is working with 100+ companies in Europe and UAE. These companies are famous for their quality service. Our collaboration with these companies and institutes ensures that our clients receive a wide range of opportunities. We assist our clients in selecting the right job by matching their ability, interest and experience.
A good application is the opportunity to make a good first impression on the company of your choice. We help our clients to prepare their all documentation properly and in a systematic way. We will give you a list of documents that you must gather to submit your application. We also help clients in every steps to prepare their documents. Our 24/7 online team is ready at your service.

We will help you to fill up your application properly. We will help you if you get stuck anywhere of documentation. The application must be carefully filled up with all the necessary documents. Our consultants guide our clients completely with the do’s and do not’s of application and documentation. Remember that the visa is granted or refused on the basis of this application as well. This makes it pertinent that the application be filled with utmost care and in a professional manner.

We provide visa related documentation service. We assist our clients to prepare all required documents for enrollment and visa. Once a client receives their documents from the company, he/she needs to prepare visa application. Our expertise will prepare the perfect visa application for you. Backed by the latest information on visa processing ensures that your application follows to the latest rules and requirements. This expertise has ensured a zero refusal rate for our clients.

SIC understands the unease of the client regarding their stay in a different country and to prepare them for it. We arrange a Pre-Departure session where we give our clients some tips regarding their stay in abroad which will help them to cope with the new country.
SIC will provide other logistics support e.g. notary, medical, police verification, Grantor support and all other logistic support in Bangladesh. Beside after reaching in foreign destination, our agent will provide airport pick & drop, other formalities also.

Proper preparation can have a major impact on interview performance. Please find here below, some of the main steps that you can take to improve your chances of success. As with preparing a CV, the key is to try and adopt the employer’s perspective, in order to avoid potential pitfalls.


Being late for an interview can seriously undermine your chances of getting the job, as it sends a very negative signal to the employer. Please make sure you are clear about the location of your interview, and how you are going to get there. Plan your journey, so that you arrive in good time, without any panic. You should also have the name and contact details of the person you are meeting, so that if there are any unavoidable problems or delays, you can call ahead rather than just arriving late.

Look the part

First impressions count! Please ensure that you are professionally presented and formally dressed.

Think ahead

Please do some research about the company before the interview: an employer will appreciate it, if you have taken the time to better understand their organisation. Think about possible questions that may be asked of you, and consider any tangible evidence and career achievements that you can put forward to demonstrate your potential value to the company. You should also prepare some questions that you would like to ask of the employer at the end of the interview – these should be questions that demonstrate that you have really thought seriously about the opportunity.

Answer the questions

Listen carefully to the questions, and answer in a clear and concise manner. Avoid the temptation to waffle. If an interviewer wants more detail, they will ask you to elaborate further.

Be positive

Employers like enthusiasm! Please do not denigrate your current or previous employers. Try to convey a positive attitude and communicate in terms of what you can bring to the company.

In most cases, your CV will be the first impression you make on a potential employer. As such, it is worth spending the time to ensure that your CV properly and clearly highlights your skills and experience, as well as avoiding common errors which can adversely impact your chances of securing an interview. Here are some simple steps you can follow to create an effective CV:

Step 1 – Think like an employer

The first and most important step is to consider the perspective of the potential employer who will be reading your CV. Your aim is not to create a work of art or a literary opus, but to ensure that the CV is clear, concise and effective. You have a limited amount of time to capture a decision maker’s attention and should therefore endeavour to keep your CV as short and focused as possible. We would suggest one or two pages; three as a maximum. It is advisable to include a brief summary section early in your CV that clearly presents your key skills and achievements to an employer.

Step 2 – Remember the essentials

There are certain categories of information that are essential to include on your CV: education, qualifications, training and employment history are the obvious categories. However, it is surprising how many people fail to provide detailed contact information on their CVs. Make sure that you provide a permanent email address.
In this region it is common for CVs to include a photo and this is largely a matter of personal preference. If you do decide to include a photo, it should be highly professional in appearance. Again, always consider the reaction of a potential employer.

Step 3 – Keep it simple

It can be very tempting with Microsoft Word to indulge in extravagant experimentation with your font and formatting. We would strongly advise against such innovations as Word Art and Sparkle Text on your CV. Try to avoid using tables and use bold, italic and underlined type sparingly and for key emphasis only. Brightly coloured text is not recommended on a CV, nor is utilising too many different fonts.

Step 4 – Remember your key words

Key words are important for two reasons: firstly, an employer will often look for certain terms on a CV; secondly, CVs are increasingly found using key word searches on databases. What constitutes a key word will vary according to your industry specialisation and job role. For example, if you are a finance professional with knowledge and experience of GAAP and SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley), these are key words that should be included in your CV. Try to consider how your CV might be found using key words.

Step 5 – Check and double check

Spelling and grammatical errors in your CV can have a very negative impact on potential employers. As well as running a spell check using your word processor, have a friend or relative proof read your CV for you. A fresh pair of eyes will often identify mistakes that you have missed. Finally, print your CV and go back to step 1: review your CV as if you were a potential employer to ensure that it is an effective marketing tool.